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Thank you for the gift of literacy.

We acknowledge the leadership and generosity of our donors listed below. This list reflects gifts received between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024. We also wish to thank those donors who have chosen to remain anonymous. Although we have made every effort to ensure that donors have been correctly acknowledged, if we have erred, please accept our apologies and report the error or omission to 1-800-555-6523 ext. 3324.


Birks Family Foundation
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Concordia University Student Association
E-L Financial Corporation Ltd.
Elections Canada
Elmwood Community Resource Centre
Estate of Joyce E Fairbairn
First North Consulting
Fredericton Community Foundation Inc.
Intact Financial Corporation
Leonard Foundation
Yudong Li
Avenir d'enfants
MacMurray Foundation Inc.
McLean Foundation
Government of New Brunswick
Norman and Margaret Jewison Charitable Foundation
North Bay and Area Community Foundation
Scott Island Foundation
Squamish First Nation
Toronto Foundation
Torys LLP
United Way Alberta Northwest
Projet Concerté Duberger – Les Saules
Mawer Investment Management Ltd.

Anonymous (1)
IA Financial Group
Portfolio Aid
Hamilton ETFs
 Bill E. and Mrs. Karen Barnett
BC Hydro
B-Line Technical Services Inc.
Broadridge Financial Solutions (Canada)
CDW Canada
Max Cohen
Community Foundation of Northwestern Alberta
DW Squared Limited Partnership
First Book Canada
Fundata Canada Inc.
Fusion Credit Union
 L. Neil Gower
Infinite Investment Systems Ltd.
Ontario Chamber of Commerce
Kathleen Provost
Pure Storage, Inc. Canada
Rayan Rafay
Selkirk Community Renewal Corporation
Weyerhaeuser Canada
 Mary Wheeler
 Bruce Munro Wright
 Michele Wright

Anonymous (2)
The Cunningham Community Fund
The Thomson Children's Foundation
Computek College
Yassir Berbiche
Blattel Family Fund
Josephine Campbell
Sherry Campbell
Canadian Medical Foundation
Brian R. Clark
Ell-Rod Holdings Inc.
Stephen Faul
Malgorzata Folda
Ira Goldstein
Greenstone Gold Mines
Elizabeth Huntsman
Trung Hieu Huynh
IFSE Institute
Erin Julihn
Patricia Kennedy
Kingsclear First Nation
L'ICQ | Bibliothèque de Québec
Lifetime Charitable Foundation
P. Campbell Mackie
Lauren Manteuffel
Mrs. Mary McDougall Maude
Kevin McGuire
Janet McMurtry
Peter Morgan
The Morris and Rosalind Goodman Family Foundation
Cara-Marie O'Hagan
Patricia O'Malley
Anne Parker
Pelzer Family Fund
Penguin Random House Canada Limited
Eric Plato
Janice Rubin
Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority
St. Mary's First Nation
Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation
A. Christina Tari
Christine Thomlinson
Toronto Metropolitan University
Woodstock First Nation
Saint Mary's University

Anonymous (6)
Audemars-Rivero Fund
Paul and Kaye M. Beeston
BMO Global Asset Management
Kaylea Bove
Christine Boyd
Sandra Jayne Bredin
Angela Briscoe
Broker Link Inc.
Luce E. Charbonneau
Codefusion Communications Inc.
Madeleine Cole
Collectif régional de développement
Lisa Eckler
The Faria-Kerr Family
Marija Finney
Sheila Leah Fischman
Catherine Graham
Tovi Grossman
Linda Ham
Ext Marketing
Tom Howell
ICTC eTalent Canada
Robert and Darlene A. James
James and Diane Kearns
Dave Kirkconnell
Sandi Kiverago
Alex Kraas
Terry Lee and Catharine Heddle
Kelly McKeown
Annette McKinnon
McNally Robinson Booksellers
Cathy Mehagan
Susan Morris
James Morrison
Stephen and Fran Musial
Norfolk County Public Library
Ellen O'Brien
William Pegg
Kathleen Pomrenke
Lammert Prinsen
Rachel Rafelman
Meredith Roberts
Celia Rodd and Atul Sharma
Michael Sgambelluri
Anthony Spears
Suzanne Spragge
Simon Tanner and Caroline Breedyk-Tanner
Elizabeth Taylor
The Reading Partnership
Sarah B. Thompson
United Way British Columbia
Whitney Wakeling
Mary C. Watson
Shari Watson
Jennifer Wild

Books Over Borders
Canadian Children’s Book Centre/ TD Grade One Book Giveaway
Codefusion Communications Inc.
Children's Book Bank
First Book Canada
Hasbro Canada Corporation
Let's Talk Science
Scholastic Classrooms Care
Newcom Media
Megafone Media 
University of Toronto Continuing Studies 
Pomeroy Kananaskis Mountain Lodge 
Panteha Daie
The Gryphon
Academy of Lions
Flat Rock Cellars
Pomeroy Kananaskis Mountain Lodge
Wood Lawn Pottery
Calm Air

Special thanks to the Literacy Leaders Monthly Giving Club. Monthly gifts provide consistent funding for literacy programs. 
Christopher Andree
Maureen Anglin
Robert Anglin
Annette Balgord
Sarah Banani
Craig Barrett
Brian Bartlett
Darby Bayly
Larry Bilokrely
Hañwakañ Blaikie Whitecloud
Diana Bouchard
Laura Boudreau
Kaylea Bove
Sandra Jayne Bredin
Angela Briscoe
Jonathan Broadberry
Benedicte Brueder
Ruth Bryan
Michele Bussieres
Sherry Campbell
Josephine Campbell
Robert Campbell
Aileen Cheon-Hayes
Judith Collard
Maria Christina Conlon
Amy Copland
Peter Curzon
Michael D'Costa
Bogna Dembek
Michelle Dharmalingam
David Edney
Ana Maria Faria
Stephen Faul
Vanessa Ferguson
Raymond Gates
Peter Goddard
Catherine Graham
Matthew Gray
Tovi Grossman
Ellen Heaney
Stephen Heeney
Tom Howell
Louisa Howerow
Joanne Huffa
Carolyn Inch
Carol Jamieson
Jacqueline Jolliffe
Erin Julihn
Zestaline Kim
Sandi Kiverago
Janice Kostash
Alex Kraas
Tetyana Krukovets
Tannys Laughren
Patricia Lawler
Sandra Lewis
Norma Lundberg
Rene Malenfant
Louis Derik Marchand
Lynne Massey
Pamela Mazza
Robyn McMorris
Janet McMurtry
Lois McNabb
Cathy Mehagan
Claudine Mingot
Peter Morgan
James Morrison
Walter Murray
Azmina Navodia
S. Elisabeth Neelin
Natasha Ogryzlo
Nobuko Oikawa
Anne Parker
Jack Pearpoint
Sarah Pendlebury
Eric Plato
Kathleen Provost
Rachel Rafelman
Kathleen Ramsay
Denise Reaume
Virginia Reimer
Meredith Roberts
Peter Roberts
Robert Robson
Dorothy Rogers
Felicity Ronaghan
Janice Rubin
Rick Rumney
Michael Ruxton
Kafairol Sabawi
Elizabeth Taylor
Christine Thomlinson
Sarah Thompson
Martin Tremblay
Brigitte Tremorin
Melanie Valcin
Diane Visentin
Natalie Wilson
Mei Wa Wong
Michele Wright
Haoshi Yu
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