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Online Programs for Adults 

Feb. 06 2025

United for Literacy offers two online programs for adults looking for support with literacy and basic skills, including those with learning disabilities. The National Online Adult Learning (NOAL) program supports any adult who wants to improve their reading, writing, and basic technology skills. The Learning Disabilities Project offers comprehensive support for learners who are overcoming profound and sever obstacles in reading, writing, and processing information. At the end of the process, a learner may receive a learning disability diagnosis, which will benefit their future learning and accommodations.  

Read on to find out more.  

The image is cropped, showing only a hand resting on the pages of a book, suggesting that the person is reading.

The National Online Adult Learning (NOAL) program  

The National Online Adult Learning (NOAL) program offers free, online support with literacy and essential skills. Growth in these areas results in enhanced employment opportunities, education, and independence. NOAL helps learners strengthen essential hard and soft skills, including reading, writing, numeracy, document use, oral communication, critical thinking, teamwork, and computer literacy.

The program relies on volunteers and interns/placement students who play key roles as facilitators and tutors. Facilitators lead small-group workshops, while tutors provide one-on-one lessons, helping learners expand their written and spoken vocabulary for everyday life. In addition, they support learners in navigating their communities and Canadian society. Additionally, the NOAL program is unique because it removes many barriers to entry, making it a safe, accessible, and welcoming space for people of all skill levels and experience. All learners with access to an internet connection and a device are welcome to participate

If you would like to sign up for or develop your skills as an intern with the National Online Adult Learning (NOAL) program, please contact Nora Amar, Instructor Coordinator for the program. She says, “I encourage NOAL learners to express their needs, and together, we set goals and create action plans to help them reach their objectives. I also support volunteers and guide them in their learning goals, making it a win-win for everyone.”

For more information, please watch our information session video: 

Learning Disabilities Project 

Adults who experience consistent difficulties with learning or workeven if they have not been diagnosed with a learning disabilitymay find support with the Learning Disabilities Project. This free online project offers tailored learning plans, specialized support, and one on one tutoring. It is open to adult learners who are currently enrolled in a United for Literacy program. The criterion for admittance includes assessment by the Coordinator for the Learning Disabilities Project, who will determine suitability.  

For more information about whether this program is right for you, contact Madina AsefiInstructor Coordinator for the Learning Disabilities Project. 

Since May 2024,” Madina says, “the Learning Disabilities Project has been providing comprehensive support that builds on learners’ strengths. My experiences at United for Literacy have offered deep insights into the diverse needs of learners and highlight the importance of personalized approaches and learning stylesAnyone who is motivated to learn is encouraged to sign up.” 

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